The canvas is the inner area of the window with a lighter background, and is where the images can be placed. The canvas will expand to fit your images.
Optimize canvas
Canvas > Optimize
Fit the canvas snugly around all the images on the board.
CtrlAltP/⌥⌘P is Pack all and Optimize in one shortcut!
Focus canvas
Adjust the view so the full canvas is visible.
Reset camera
Canvas > Reset camera
The camera will be reset to the default position (0, 0) in the window.
Reset zoom
Canvas > Reset camera zoom
The view zoom will be reset to 100%.
Lock canvas
Canvas > Lock canvas
Lock everything on the canvas so items cannot be interacted with. Great when you don't want to accidentally move things around.
Grayscale canvas
Canvas > Grayscale
Turn everything on the canvas into grayscale.
The formula used is (r*11+g*16+b*5)/32
Turn only some images grayscale with Toggle Grayscale