Thank you for considering the suggestion! OneNote on Windows 10 is the only other software I remember seeing this search and highlight text in images (and editable text) from. It does it really well, searching across different tabs in your notebook for the target word.
PureRef Wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion! We're noting y
Probably brought up already, just echoing the request.
I've always got cropped screenshots of snippets of book passages that I refer back to repeatedly on a project, and these images of text can get jumbled up along with reference images.
I got this idea from Unreal Engine where you can bookmark or save the current viewport/camera position using CTRL+1, 2, 3, and so on, and you can jump between the saved views just by pressing the corresponding numbers again (without CTRL).
It will save time in jumping between key areas around the board.
Some images contain text and might be cool that the program is able to recognize and then have the searched word highlighted throughout the work area. Also cool to add with the highlighting: have the program jump and zoom in on the specific places where the words are located in (including Notes where those words are present).
Focus Canvas is such a great command. But when you've already got hundreds of references, it zooms out the whole canvas showing everything making you lose footing on where you were in it.
I would like to suggest a "half-step" version of this where it zooms out just a bit enough for you to see more images from your point of origin. Maybe there can be a setting where you can contro
...instead of the name of the file itself, which helps in reminding you what file you've got open.
Thanks for the 1.10.4 update! Hope you're all staying healthy!
1.10.2 still crashes.
I noticed something with one of the files I've been opening though its icon: it seems to be having a problem loading one of the images before it crashes. The image it was trying to load was copied and pasted off another program (XnViewer).
Also, I kept opening files randomly and there are times when they would just open properly and not crash (the crash happens way
If that's where you can open the source of the images, then yes, almost all my images are like that--saved either from around the net or from images on my hard drive. Though I've got "Embed local images in save file:" disabled from the Settings.
I'm not sure what a config file is. If it's that configuration setting (.ini) thing then it's zipped on here along with my windows version:
Happens to all 5 scenes I'm working with right now. Drag and drop on PureRef works fine. In fact, it seems to load faster than I've ever seen it load before when you do it this way.
When I open a file (references.pur, e.g.), it opens the program and right after loading the pictures, it closes. I'm only able to open up the file properly with "Auto load last scene on start up" enabled and I open the program through its own icon.
1. I've got "A.pur" currently open in the program. The file is saved in folder "A".
2. I open "B.pur" from the "Load>Load Recent" command ("B.pur" is saved in folder "B").
3. "B.pur" is now open in the program. I go to "Save As" and the dialog that pops up still has folder "A" pulled up w
Thank you for considering the suggestion!
That bookmark idea is definitely more intuitive. I'm voting on the first one you said with the zoom level/camera position saved, no bookmark attached to the image. Attaching it on the image will just get in the way, I think.
For example: pressing SHIFT+1 focuses on an image that you assigned that shortcut to. Number of images can be assigned up to the number 9 or even the number zero on your keyboard.
The program can get really cluttered with images and it's slow to have to constantly look for the most-used/most-important references in there.
Hi. It's me again, sorry.
Was wondering if you guys would be interested in adding a scribble function much like how the "Note" feature works, where we can encircle or add arrows pointing to specific elements in a reference photo. The scribbles will need to flip along with the photo, though, not stay in the same orientation despite the photo-flipping like the Note function.
Any chance for a quick command to auto-adjust dark images (like video screen caps) on the program itself rather than shifting to a separate image editor like Photoshop first?
Pretty mundane request, but I think it's more intuitive to cancel the auto-loading of last scene using the ESC key, rather than trying to click on the small "x" on the dialog box that appears.
Thank you for continuing to develop this great software!
Hey guys,
Just wondering if it's a good idea to have a feature that adjusts the brightness as well as the contrast of the image dropped in the program?
Some images (specially the ones taken from movie screenshots) appear dark, and you need to follow the added steps of adjusting it in an editing program first before dropping it in PureRef.
Hello Pureref!
Dunno if this has been suggested before - Wishing the anchor point gets reset after you Rotate an image? So that it flips correctly after the rotation.
It gets crazy when you try to flip an image after it has been rotated.
Thank you so much and keep up the awesome work guys!
Another follow up on the above suggestion:
Maybe when you double-click on a group, it zooms/frames in on the whole group; and when you double-click again, it zooms in on individual images within the group?
Hello team Pureref,
Just wanted to echo the suggestion on grouping reference images.
Right after update 1.6.0, the CTRL C + CTRL V feature doesn't combine 2 separate images anymore. Which is what I was using to group related images before.
Handy when you want the program's screen zoomed in on a bunch of related references you want to see all at once when you double-click.
Yep - "copying and deleting images" is definitely an issue for me.
I haven't noticed the "warn before closing unsaved scene" checkbox. Thanks for the heads up!
Will continue fooling around with this. I love your app! Thank you again.
Sorry, but I just fooled around with the program again - the cropping of the images that you re-sized does get broken cropping the next time you open up the work file again.
Follow up: The image that I just pasted on my canvas gets broken cropping without me doing anything to it. I just <shft+ctrl+P>
Since I'm already spamming this thread anyway - Can we have a save reminder when