PureRef Wrote:
> If you select a group and then run the command
> "Save > Export > Selected as scene" the group with
> all its content should be exported to a single
> image, is that what you're looking for?
This helps but exporting as well all images individually ?
gavenator Wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am just getting into Notion to manage design
> projects for me and my 1 employee. Wondering if
> anybody has information on integrating Pure Ref
> into Notion Pages.
> Thanks in advance!!
If we get the option of exporting groups images; you could export the groups as
What is the wheel functionality feature as mentioned in the changelogs for Beta10 ?
In addition to that in the change logs;
How do I use this ?
This doesn't appear to work.
I'd like to see the option of saving groups individually to purref files including nested groups of images. Someone mention in another thread which I commented on saving to PDF both of these options would be nice additions.
How about by just having the group selected it allows one to move a group of images. instead if there is nested groups. Most of the time if you have nested groups as in multiple groups of images within a group; you're not going to want to move the whole giant group with all the nested groups. Instead you're going to want to move just the individual groups of images.
Allowing organizing of tags by image metadata would allow one to create a group of such images or even a addition to arranges images by the metadata.
Tags in the purref file could be used for searching within a group or purref file.
Linky Wrote:
> Hello ! i am vvery sorry if it's a already
> implemented feature or "hidden" one, but i think
> it would be really cool if we could when making a
> group name it , and have like a little thingy on
> top of the group where the name would be shown, it
> would be faster than making a separat
3D Connexion support is amazing in PurRef, it feels as if I'm using touch to pan and zoom on the purref board. It also brought new hope into using my 3D mouse as most programs can be quite frustrating in using with a 3D mouse.
In the changelog for version 2.0 Beta 9, it mentions that the crop gizmo has been fixed to better visualize cropping. Although I don't notice a difference, in the crop tool ?
As well, from what I understand one can link to another purRef file format by using text anchors in the latest beta as mentioned in the change log ?
What is editing multiple notes & groups at the same time, how
Is it possible to link Groups in the Hierarchy view to that in the scene view. When clicking the group in the Hierarchy it will select the group in the scene view. As well I want to be able to rename Groups in the Hierarchy view.
PureRef Wrote:
> Thanks for taking the time. PureRef always imports
> images with no scaling relative to the scene, so
> if you would zoom out a lot in a scene and drop an
> image it would look like that. If you create a new
> scene and drop that same image, does it look the
> same then? Or if you do Ctrl+0 to reset t
PureRef Wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion! We'll make sure to
> fix this for the next bugfix version.
> Regarding importing: Would you be able to give us
> some steps to reproduce the issue, or maybe make a
> small video of the problem? Is it a new problem in
> 2.0? What type of images are you importin
I would like to be able to arrange based on height, width etc within a group, currently that is unable in the beta of version 2.x ?
Also when importing images why do they import so tiny ?
I would like to see groups for image collections within the canvas; as this is especially important when cycling though images. Currently when cycling though images using the arrow keys on the keyboard the cycling moves to the next random image on the canvas, rather then the adjacent image to which is being viewed.