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Hi guys,

I just downloaded pureref because everyone keeps talking about it, even spent 10euros... However everytime I use pureref with zbrush and try to move the window, zbrush becomes unusable as if my wacom tablet range got smaller, for example if I were to close zbrush i have to press in the middle of the windows and it counts as if I was clicking on the x (that is on the right)...
Please help me out.

I have an intuos, Os is windows 10

Thank u in advance

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-11-05 15:26 by stevanstrauss.
We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues, we've tried to reproduce this issue on our side but can't seem to do it. Maybe this is some Windows/driver issue, have you checked if there's any updates to either available?

If you can't get it to work please contact us through the contact form on the support page and we will try to help with troubleshooting, or if you would like to receive a refund.
Has this been addressed? I'm having the same issue... unable to move window around using wacom pen (Intuos Pro) when working in ZBrush. Mouse works just fine.

I've used Kuadro for years. New to Pureref.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-09-20 04:38 by madyak.
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