I have a few tools that use XML at the moment and was curious to know if .pur files were also a text-based format. I obviously found out that wasn't the case and thus putting a request here hoping you guys consider.
It would be nice if you could add the ability to import / export xml files to help users who use a lot of automation. I like using pure-ref as a jumping point for talking to artists, and having the ability to have some of my automated tools create pure-ref compatible files for presentation purposes would be ideal. Even better than import / export would be a new file format, something like .xpur, that is simply a text-based serialized format that can be opened like any other pure-ref file.
This is a great application and keep up the great work!
For auto generated PureRef boards we have another suggestion to improve the command line options of PureRef to support something like this, would that be useful for you?
Text based save files is something we have been thinking about as it would also help if multiple people want to work on the same file and merge it. The problem with it might be that you're forced to link to your images and can't embed them in the same way as you can now, but we'll see what we can do for future versions of PureRef.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I would love to see this feature implemented. This would give a lot of flexibility when trying to integrate PureRef into an image pipeline.
I would also love to see a command line function. I see we can run simple things like second instance. But if we could run a command line tool with it, that would mean we can make plugins and addons for 3rd party apps. We could automate creation of these boards.
That would be so cool!!!
I would like this too! It would help integrate my reference boards in other programs. I really want to be able to convert my .pur files to .html so I can share them more efficiently than a really large image.