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At first, I want to thank all PureRef developers for wonderful, after so many years still unique and irreplaceable, software.
Secondly, I want to suggest a few ideas which I accumulated after 5 years of PureRef use. And which I see as the most complementary to modern PureRef functionality.

Most important suggestion - collapsible groups which work as sub-canvases.
Analog of Obsidian's and plugins.
Groups have active title bar which used to move them. Such approach simultaneously solves another PureRef problem - need to choose between inconvenient double click and not always convenient Lock.
This title bar have button for group collapse. When clicked, it not only collapse group, except title bar, from view, but unload group content from PC memory. Allowing to work within single canvas with almost unlimited amount of information.
For PureRef such solution potentially could solve problems with:
1. Freeze ups in big canvases.
2. Spontaneous closure of big canvases.
3. Font bug. In canvases with big number of texts and pictures, after some time of work, take place distortion of notes fonts. Some fonts under some zoom levels shown as normal, but other - as random symbols.
4. Not very convenient workflow with few independent canvases because absence of tabs.

Others suggestions:
1. Tabs.
2. .pur files could contain other files. For example, if drop onto canvas .txt file, it would be saved in .pur and shown as a file icon. Double-click on which will open it in Windows notepad. Alternative - the same functionality by Windows shortcuts.
3. Possibility to convert selected files to .jpg or .webp At least in the form of different files. .pur for .png pictures, and .purj - for .jpg and .webp
4. Hold of Ctrl+Shift keys to show all picture comments over their pictures.
5. Setting: If hold Shift and mouse wheel button, or if hold right mouse button, mouse moves forward and backward work like a zoom.
6. Possibility to connect pictures and notes by stretching lines. Most simple ones, tied to the center of pictures and notes.
7. Setting: Gizmo points only change size. To change angle necessary to hold ALT.
8. Possibility to use cropping function as knife one.

Suggestions for notes:
1. Setting: During opening of big notes camera don't jump to upper part of text. Which very inconvenient when working with large texts.
2. Setting: Selection of default color for each level of numbered and bullet lists. Current numbered list levels almost indistinguishable.
3. Setting: Cursor over note automatically open it, but without any movements of camera.
4. Text search in selected note, as in Obsidian.
5. Any implementation of tables.
6. User colors pallet under pallet with last used colors.

Suggestions for groups:
1. Lock group button near group color button.
2. Near color button located button which allows to select thickness and color of the group outline. Right now groups colors usually either too dark and unnoticeable or too bright and annoying. Possibility to distinguish groups by color outlines could solve this problem.
3. Near color button located button which appoint to groups Ctrl+1-9 hotkeys for fast camera relocation.

Suggestions for hierarchy:
1. Hierarchy window divided into two parts: for groups, which shown at the top and sorted by name. And files which not in groups.
2. Single click on a group move camera to it. Double click - rename it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-05-01 14:39 by Metasa.
Thank you for the suggestions! There's a lot of things here and we've read them all but some follow up questions for some of them (numbered to more easily reference in replies):

1. Regarding the font bug; do you have a repro for this or does it happen randomly? If we can repro it we can probably look into fixing it!
2. Converting to jpeg/webp: Could you elaborate a bit what you mean with this and what you would use it for? In PureRef 2.0 any added images are stored in their original format.
3. Setting for zoom with mouse move: You should be able to do this already by rebinding the zoom shortcut in settings (Although currently it is mouse move left/right instead of back/forward).
4. Possibility to use cropping function as knife one: What does this mean?

In the future feel free to make one suggestion thread per suggestion so it is easier to discuss :)
> 1. Regarding the font bug; do you have a repro for this or does it happen randomly? If we can repro it we can probably look into fixing it!

Bug occurred with 2,7gb canvas. After I divided it into two 1,4gb canvases, the bug disappeared.
1. The bug appeared suddenly, without any trigger, after 5-10 minutes of work with reopened canvas. And is clearly connected with some font caching error.
2. During bug, only part of the notes, with the same font and size, shown as distorted. This unrelated to their text content. From memory, new almost empty notes not buggy, but buggy their copies.
3. Distortion shown only at a great camera distance. If bring camera closer to distorted text, it becomes shown as normal one.
4. If select distorted text and reassign Open Sans font - text begins to be shown as normal. But if copy-past this note, copy will again be shown as distorted text.
5. Perhaps this bug related to some Unicode symbols which I used. But it took place even after I deleted almost all such symbols and after transfer of almost all content to a new canvas.

> 2. Converting to jpeg/webp: Could you elaborate a bit what you mean with this and what you would use it for? In PureRef 2.0 any added images are stored in their original format.

I have 7mb .png picture. If I save it to new canvas, its size will become 7mb.
If I convert this picture to .jpg format, reducing it size to 2,5mb, and also save it to new canvas, its size would become 2,5mb.
I want possibility to drag n drop to canvas 7mb picture, but have possibility to, immediately or later, convert it to 2,5mb version.
Since my pictures are predominantly has .png origin, implementation of such functionality will reduce the size of my canvases at least by half.

> 3. Setting for zoom with mouse move: You should be able to do this already by rebinding the zoom shortcut in settings (Although currently it is mouse move left/right instead of back/forward).

Thank you very much!

> 4. Possibility to use cropping function as knife one: What does this mean?

If I save a 10mb photo to a new canvas and crop a small part of it, the size of the canvas will still be 10mb. I wish for the option to press a knife button during cropping, delete the largest part of the picture, and receive a 1mb file.

> In the future feel free to make one suggestion thread per suggestion so it is easier to discuss :)

Sure. I just didn't want so that my suggestions were seen as spam.
And to hint that just because PureRef have different specialization and doesn't have hundreds of plugins, this doesn't mean that it cannot compete with Obsidian and similar note-taking software.
All other note-taking software to find information needed few clicks. PureRef allows to find it just by few mouse movements. At first only pictures. Now also texts and gifs. If to add possibility to find tables, pdf, any other types of files, then PureRef, just because of more quick, convenient, intuitive orientation, will render many modern mainstream analogues obsolete. Why write and click, if it's possible just zoom?
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