First of all, thank you very much for this wonderful software.
I have a suggestion for enhancement.
The new Hierarchy View in the 2.0 Beta is a very very useful tool to organise and arrange the different items placed into the canvas.
However, some elements might overlap each other and I would like the ability to temporarily "turn it off" so that I can see the items below.
For example:
=Use case=
- I pasted a screenshot of a calendar month into the canvas and locked it.
- Then I use the Draw tool to cross off the date and jot some notes on it.
- I then moved the Draw/Notes underneath the Calendar in the Hierarchy so they are group together. when I move the calendar, the notes will move together.
- Sometimes, I want to see the calendar without the Notes, but there are no way for me to hide the notes temporary.
- In adobe photoshop layers, there is the "eye" icon on the left side of the layers.
- User can click on the "eye" icon to show/hide elements on the layer.
- It would be very useful if Pureref Hierarchy has the same ability as well.
That's all. Hope it is clear.
Thank you :-)