PureRef is one of the few windows on my machine that I cant readily tell where the file is located at.
For example if I am working on a file on one window, and on another window a backup of the same file found elsewhere, its very hard to tell what file is what, as all that PureRef will show is the file name
Furthermore, features like AltTab become unreliable in quickly identifying the right PureRef window due to the full path not being shown
The above are just two common examples but there are many instances where a full file path is needed such as needing to identify the right window for Automation tools such as AutoHotkey, PowerShell, AutoIt etc.
Will you please consider introducing a optional setting to show the full file path on the title bar? Thanks.
Thank you for the suggestion and the examples! We've noted your request and will see what we can do in future versions.
We made some tweaks to this in 2.0.0.beta9, where the title of the window has the full path and the label in the titlebar shows the full path in a tooltip on hover, does this help for your cases?
That was just what I needed, I was not hoping for anything so soon lol, I am glad to have asked! Thanks.