hello, i love this program i'll recommend it to all my friends , im a 2d and 3d concept artist and i use references religiously :D this is great, would be very nice if you could optimize the zoom and pan for touch screens like microsoft surface or simply screens that have multitouch capabilities like all the new windows tablets, i have one like that which i use to view my references and i think this program is perfect for touch controlls, right now i use photoshop to composit my references and upload them to photosynth and use them with my touch controlls on the tablet next to the monitor where i draw or sculpt :) please let me know if you're going to think about implementing this , and good luck on the app, it's really great you did it, i've been looking for something this user friendly and fast for years :D
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-02-27 15:59 by PureRef.
At the moment we don't have the hardware to test this functionality but it is indeed something we would like to add. We might be able to do it with simulation software but we will have to look into it so it might take a while before we get to it.
Thanks for the suggestion, it has been added to out to do list!
thank you very much for adding it to the list :) but seriously thank you again for making this software, i like how i can make big collages very easily of references with it, i'll continue to spread the word around
i don't know if this will help but i found some documentation about touch input, you said you don't have hardware for testing, i can test it for you and give you feedback if you need me to, i have a samsung slate 7 which has a multitouch screen
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-05 21:49 by llazyad.
Its not so much of a technical problem as it is that we need to be able to test it and verify the functionality somehow before making new releases.
Thanks for offering help though!
hey, if you're still working on this feature, do you have any idea when you'll be able to implement it ? :) we can make a deal :D if you implement it in the next week i'll donate 100 $, if in 2 weeks 50 $, but please try to find the time and resources to do it cause i could really really use it, and again.. if you don't have the hardware to test it i can help you by testing it, we can skype or whatever
We appreciate your enthusiasm, touch compability is not yet top priority but contact us through the contact form and we will try to give you something to test.