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I would like to see groups for image collections within the canvas; as this is especially important when cycling though images. Currently when cycling though images using the arrow keys on the keyboard the cycling moves to the next random image on the canvas, rather then the adjacent image to which is being viewed.
SugarBear Wrote:
> I would like to see groups for image collections
> within the canvas; as this is especially important
> when cycling though images. Currently when cycling
> though images using the arrow keys on the keyboard
> the cycling moves to the next random image on the
> canvas, rather then the adjacent image to which is
> being viewed.


Having categorized my images by name, I thought that scrolling would follow the order of my sequence, 01, 02, 03, etc. Very strange random display behavior.

We've just released a beta of PureRef 2.0 that adds support for grouping selections of images which should also impact the order when cycling through them. You can download it on the download page if you want to give it a go! You can read more about the feature here:
I will give it a try; although is it now paid, and is there a way to use the pur file format with other identical programs for Android \ iOS ?
Not yet but we're trying to find time to work on it, keep an eye out for updates!
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