I think it could be very useful to have an option in the configuration like:
"Load automatically all files from folder"
So when I open Pureref it will automatically load all the pictures in a folder, also the new ones. I think this could be very useful because if you want to keep your file size small and you want only to embed pictures you need to put first the picture into the folder and after drag into the Pureref Canvas and that is tedious when you are collecting a lot of references.
I have a cloud to upload all the files and everytime if I dont embed the files and keep it inside the file, everytime the files increments his size the cloud upload the file again and sometimes it is uploading 500mb everytime I put a file or Pureref uses autosave.
It could be useful. Bye
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-08-22 15:31 by Briswal.
Thanks for the suggestion! Where would you imagine new images would pop up? Just in the middle of the scene?
They could appear in one of the corners of the canvas to avoid overlapping other images.
I think in the middle or in one corner or automatically insert a group name above of all images saying "New" or "Imported 2020-08-30" (Imported and date). The main think is that this feature in some way works to save time and be efficient.
+1, please implement. I was thinking of the same feature and even started to create a topic. I see it as follows: pureref loads all images that are in the same folder as a .pur file, and later adds new images besides boundry box of old images (maybe on the right, whatever).
Main problem it solves is that once you loaded first 50 images into pureref, its hard to find the next fifty without sorting by date or saving them to another folder.
Still waiting since 2020 ;(
PureRef Wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion! Where would you imagine
> new images would pop up? Just in the middle of the
> scene?
Still waiting since 2020 ;(