Could this app be open-source perhaps? Its really nice you guys "seem" active with responding, but nothing is really done in development. At least ii got the feeling about this. Last release was 2 years ago or more.
The app is really nice, but i could use a couple of upgrades, ive seen many really great suggestions, but nothing is done or shown in terms of development.
Would be great if this app would turn open-source, so people who are devoted can do work on. Now its sitting on a shelf catching dust waiting to be killed.
I would love this as well. Being a programmer as well as an artist I would like to so some additional features maybe as plugins or something.
I think a plugin API would do as well but i assume this would be kinda laborious.
If you'd rather not do that i completely understand this, but I really liked the Idea.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-12-06 23:07 by johannesgotz.
I fully agree, with the development inactivity soon approaching 3 years, I think this is the perfectly appropriate time to open-source it.
The developer is clearly either too busy with something else or have lost interest in this project.
They don't seem to have any interest in monetizing it either, so I really don't see any reason for keeping it closed.
On behalf of the community, PLEASE do consider open-sourcing this.
This is a one-of-a-kind software and it would be a huge shame if it is lost into the depths of the abandonware world.
Yeah having an API would be nice. being able to send codes through other apps would be super nice
Linux user (for both design and development) and FOSS advocate here.
I’m delighted to see that development has resumed as of version 1.10.0. This is a unique and highly useful piece of software that I think could become standard among artists and designers using multiple platforms.
However, to ensure its legacy, it must be introduced to the bigger crowd. Leveraging the momentum of the open-source movement means not only community-based development but also inclusion in the most popular package manager repositories. My recommendation: choose a license and let’s make this little utility legend.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-11-14 19:02 by alt.
I wrongly assumed PureRef was open source because they let you download it for free. I now regret paying the twelve euros and will seek open source alternatives. In particular I'd like to fork the project to allow GIFs (not just the first frame).
I have nothing against paying 10€ for this product but would still prefer to make this open source on Github so other developers can contribute to develop this project. Blender Market works in a similar way.
Basically the creator seems to abandon the software. Please make your product open source so that people could continue develop it. Don't let it die like this.